5.2. Services for international students

Coaching sessions / "Tutorat" 

The International Relations Office offers weekly coaching sessions to international students of the University of Tours. You can ask your questions about exams, methodology and the organization of the university, as well daily issues (CAF, CPAM, scholarships, administrative paperwork...).
These sessions will help you throughout the whole year to succeed in your studies. 

Please contact welcomedesk@univ-tours.fr to ask for an individual appointment.

Buddy system

The International Relations Office offers a Buddy System to international students during their first year of study in Tours.
This is an opportunity for intercultural exchange as you get to meet new people!

Register right away on    https://buddysystem.eu/
A Buddy will be matched with you around mid-September, to start the year right.

Any question? Please contact welcomedesk@univ-tours.fr