What is this label ?
The HRS4R label (for "Human Resources Strategy for Research") aims to improve the practices of research organisations and institutions in terms of the recruitment and working environment of researchers. It is an asset for obtaining European funding and a guarantee for foreign applicants that they will find a common set of principles. Obtained for five years, its renewal is subject to an analysis of the progress of the implementation of our plan.
Why is this important for our university ?
The process undertaken to obtain the label enabled our university to carry out an in-depth analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the working environment of researchers. With this label, the university's employees are assured of a process of constant improvement of their working conditions and their career prospects. It is also the assurance of a positive dynamic both for those applying for a position at the university and for obtaining funds and participation in European programmes, which require the label. Finally, it is an opportunity to strengthen the visibility of our institution abroad.
Some examples of planned actions.
Among the actions envisaged, we can mention the drafting of a vade mecum for the Directors of Units, a reinforcement of the actions around ethics, a better valorisation of mobility, including among the BIATSS, the need to translate into English a number of important documents, in particular for competitions for university posts, or a better follow-up and harmonisation of the salaries of post-doctoral students.
How to find out more ?
If you cannot find an answer to your question by browsing this page, please send it to the following address : hrs4r@univ-tours.fr