3. French language knowledge test known as "Test de Connaissance du Français" (TCF) for the procedure "Demande d'Admission Préalable" (DAP)
Within the procedure of the Demande d'Admission Préalable (DAP), you will have to take a French language knowledge test: Test de Connaissance du Français Tout Public (TCF TP) with exercice of written expression.
This test consists in 4 mandatory papers :
In France, in the university where you have applied.
You are exempt from the TCF for DAP if:
This test consists in 4 mandatory papers :
- 3 exercices as multiple choice quiz: oral understanding, grammar and vocabulary, written understanding ;
- 1 exercice of written expression.
You must register on the France Education International website.
- Registrations will close on December 15, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. (French time).
- You may be exempted from the TCF as part of the DAP, please check your situation (by studying the list of exemptions indicated in the registration conditions) before registering. No refunds will be made.
- Before registering for the TCF as part of the DAP, the candidate MUST IMPERATIVELY check with each university or school of architecture considered that they are indeed covered by the DAP VERT or BLEU procedure and that the desired training is indeed open to DAP applications this year.
- Registration for the TCF as part of the DAP is STRICTLY ONLY possible for candidates who are simultaneously submitting a DAP VERT application to the university or a BLEU application to the school of architecture for a training open to DAP applications.
Please note that this test is subject to a fee (€74 in 2024).
Where will be the examination?
Abroad, please contact the French Embassy's department for Cooperation and Cultural Action, the CampusFrance website or your nearest approved TCF test centre.In France, in the university where you have applied.
When will be the examination?
At the University of Tours, this test will take place on January 29th, 2025.
Could I be exempt from the TCF for DAP?
You are exempt from the TCF for DAP if:
- you hold a DUEF B2 from the CUEFEE;
- you hold a DELF B2 (Diplôme d'études en langue française (Diploma in French Studies), "General public" or "Junior/academic" or "professional" version) or a DALF C1 or C2 (Diplôme approfondi de langue française [Diploma in Advanced French]);
- You are a citizen of the European member country, the European Economic Area, the Swiss Confederation, Monaco and Andorra
- You hold a French baccalaureate (diplomas covered by the binational certification system due to the delivery of 2 diplomas including the French baccalaureate – abibac, esabac and bachibac), a French qualification admitted as an exemption from the baccalaureate by a national regulations or the European baccalaureate (diploma awarded by the European schools of EU member states)
- You are registered in post-baccalaureate training provided by French educational establishment the year preceding the academic year for which you are submitting your admission application
- You are a citizen of an official francophone country: Benin, Burkina Faso, Congo, Ivory Coast, Gabon, Guinea-Conakry, Mali, Nigeria, Democratic Republic of Congo, Senegal, Togo;
- You are a resident of a country where French is an official language exclusively and hold a secondary school diploma from a country where French is an official language exclusively : Benin, Burkina Faso, Congo, Ivory Coast, Gabon, Guinea-Conakry, Mali, Nigeria, Democratic Republic of Congo, Senegal, Togo;
- You are a national of a country or a resident in a country where French is not the only official language, whose secondary studies took place, for the most part, in French : Belgium, Burundi, Cameroon, Canada, Central African Republic, Comoros, Djibouti, Equatorial Guinea, Haiti, Luxembourg, Madagascar, Rwanda, Seychelles, Switzerland, Chad, Vanuatu
- You have followed education in French in secondary schools, the list of which is established by the Ministry for Higher Education and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs
- You have passed the "Test d'Évaluation du Français" (TEF-French Evaluation Test) organized by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry for Paris, and you have achieved at least 400/699 points, and B2 level (Bachelor) or C1 level (Master) in the writing examination.
For more information about the "Test de Connaissance du Français" (TCF) for the "Demande d'Admission Préalable" (DAP)
Please consult the website of France Education International.
Individual international students
- 1. Status of individual international student
- 2. Admission procedures
- 2.1. Admission procedure - 1st year Degree - Europe
- 2.2. Admission procedures - 1st year Degree - Resident in France
- 2.3. Admission procedure - 1st year Degree - Refugees, BGF... -Dossier orange
- 2.4. Admission procedure - 1st year Degree - Resident outside EU and without "Etudes en France"
- 2.5. Admission procedure - L2, L3, M1, M2 - EU or without Etudes en France
- 2.6. Admission procedure - Resident of an "Etudes en France" country
- 3. French language knowledge test known as "Test de Connaissance du Français" (TCF) for the procedure "Demande d'Admission Préalable" (DAP)
- 4. Administrative registration
- 5. International Students Welcome Desk
- 5.1. Cultural program for international students
- 5.2. Services for international students
- 6. Scholarships
Welcome to Tours !
French language level
"Test de Connaissance du Français" (TCF) for the "Demande d'Admission Préalable" (DAP)
Find more information about the official French language knowledge test here.
Learn French
Your contact at the International Relations Office
Mrs. Eunjin LEE
Tél : +33(0)2 47 36 78 38
60 rue du Plat d’Étain
Building A - Ground floor
37000 Tours