4. Administrative registration

This is the last step of your registration.

After you have received the positive answer of the pedagogical commission, please validate the decision by registering at the University of Tours. The positive answer is only valid for the year that you have applied to.

The registration file must be given directly at the University of Tours when you arrive, except if stated otherwise on your acceptation letter.

Here are the steps you will have to follow:

  • STEP 1: Take an appointment with the department where you have been accepted (the phone number is on your acceptance letter - otherwise, please check here). Please note that there are deadlines depending on the courses you take. The date will be on your letter of acceptance.
  • STEP 2: Connect to https://cvec.etudiant.gouv.fr/?_locale=en to pay the CVEC (Contribution Vie Etudiante et de Campus) fee with the CROUS: 103 euros.
    Every student has to go to the website and get an attestation. It can be a release/exoneration/payment attestation, depending on your case. It is a MANDATORY attestation.  
  • STEP 4: On the day of your appointment, please come with your registration file and all the documents needed, including the CVEC notification and a copy of your letter of admission.
  • STEP 5:  You will then be an official student in the University of Tours!

For PhDs, please click here.

Registration fees for individual international students

Following the decision of the board of directors of October 16th 2023, individual international students will benefit from partial exoneration of registration fees at the University of Tours for 2024-2025.
Registration fees will thus be the same as the ones for French students. Applying to the University of Tours shall be considered as a request for exoneration.
You can find here the 2023-2024 national rates for a registration in a French university: https://www.service-public.fr/particuliers/vosdroits/F2865

N.B: This provision applies to all registration applications at the University of Tours, with the exception of the Master Urban Planning and Sustainability (Polytech), for which differentiated fees will be applied (3770 euros).

Welcome to Tours!

The International Relations Office is organizing a Welcome Desk at the start of the academic year.
From Monday 2 to Friday 20 September 2024, between 11:00am to 2:00pm, on 3 campuses in Tours: Tanneurs, Deux Lions, Grandmont.
Get all the information you need to successfully fit into your new life in Tours and get advice on administrative paperwork.

Click here for more information