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The University of Tours has a long tradition of hosting and international partnerships and invites you to dare to be mobile.

Euraxess Service Centre

OUr calls for mobility 

Involved in research projects around the world for scientific excellence

The University of Tours, which is at the heart of Europe and participates in many European and international cooperative projects, including eight Horizon 2020 projects, and several EIT Health, Interreg, Euronanomed, and COST projects. Many other projects are in the pipeline.

Among the most prestigious projects underway, three are supported by the European Research Council (ERC):
  • Kilian Raschel's mathematical project COMBINEPIC, which aims to solve well-known models in combinatorics, probability and statistical mechanics. Find out more 
  • Lucie Pellissier's THERAUTISM project, which aims to find new molecular targets and proofs of concept for autism spectrum disorders (ASD).  Find out more 
  • Anne Madeleine Goulet is leading the PerformArt project on 17th and 18th century performing arts in Rome. Find out more

The European research and innovation programme Horizon 2020: