
2.5. Admission procedure - L2, L3, M1, M2 - EU or without Etudes en France

This procedure is for:
- students who live in France or in another European country, or in a country which does not have the "Etudes en France" procedure; 
- students who wish to apply fr a Licence 2, Licence 3, Master 1 ou Master 2 (2nd/3rd year of Degree or 1st/2nd year of Master's)

Please follow these steps:
1- Create an account on the on-line platform of eCandidat Tours
All courses open to individual international students are identified with "CI". Example : CI_M1 Lettres.
Please do not apply to any other course as your application would be rejected.
2- Complete your file and upload the required documents on the online plateform.
3- Once your application is complete, click on "Transmettre ma candidature" before the deadline. 

4- After you receive your answer, please connect again on eCandidat Tours to confirm your application or deny registration.

5- In case we send you a positive answer and you confirm your application, please proceed to the administrative registration in our university before the deadline which is written on the confirmation admission letter.