Student associations

The University of Tours supports student community life and recognises engagement as an integral part of the student experience. This commitment, in all its forms, contributes to the construction of the individual, to their integration and to their awareness of citizenship: it allows for experimentation in real conditions, particularly in the management of projects.

At the University of Tours, there are 75 associations with the "student association" label, which work to promote student dynamics on campus. More than one in three students is a member of a student association. In other words, there are more than 10,000 student members in all the student associations.

Joining an association is a voluntary process. The experience gained through volunteering is a real complement to academic training. From a professional point of view, the associative trajectory makes it possible to work with a wide variety of profiles and to acquire specific skills.

From another point of view, activities within an association can be considered to be leisure activities, combining the useful and the pleasant. The involvement of students in associations is not only voluntary work: it is also friendship, learning and, why not, a form of relaxation.
On each of the university's campuses, you will find a variety of student association profiles, working in the fields of sport, citizenship, the environment, artistic culture or solidarity...