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HRS4R - Chronological landmarks

- October 10, 2022 afternoon : conference on scientific integrity and issues at the Varvoux amphitheatre - Plat d'Etain site (consult/read the video)
- September 15, 2022 : arrival of Myriam MIKHAEL ( to reinforce the HRS4R team ; click here for more details
- May 24, 2022 : presentation to the Research Committee (RC)
- May 9, 2022 : presentation to the Board of Directors (Administration Council)
- April 28, 2022 : presentation to the Technical Committee (TC)
- March 28, 2022 : meeting of the Strategic Steering Committee (powerpoint document in French)
- 27/09/2021 : award of the HR Excellence in Research label
- 23/08/2021 : agreement of the European Commission on the administrative admissibility of the revised version
- 27/07/2021 : 2nd response/version sent to the European Commission
- may 2021 - july 2021 : work on improving the accessibility of the website and on a more detailed description of the whole action plan, in particular its operational phase (indicators, frequency, means of reporting)
- 28/04/2021 : return from the European Commission, with minor modifications to be made to the dossier before the deadline of 28 July 2021
- 08/01/2021 : agreement of the European Commission on the administrative admissibility
- 14/12/2020 : sending of the response to the European Commission
- november 2020 : translation of the contents into English
- 09/11/2020 : validation of the final response by the Board of Directors (BD)
- 6/11/2020 : presentation of the final response to the Technical Committee (TC)
- 14/10/2020 : presentation of the final action plan to the Strategic Steering Committee (SSC)
- 13/10/2020 : presentation of the final action plan to the Research Committee (RC)
- 29/06/2020 : request for a 3-month extension of the deadline for responses due to the health situation
- december 2019 - october 2020 : finalisation of the action plan

- meeting of the 4 working groups :
. professional and ethical aspects (WG1) : on 11/09/2019, 13/11/2019 and 17/12/2019
. recruitment (WG2) : 11/09/2019 and 21/10/2019
. working conditions and social security (WG3) : 8/10/2019 and 19/11/2019
. training and development (WG4) : meetings on 4/09/2019, 2/10/2019 and 12/11/2019

- 01/10/2019 : sending of the letter of intent to the European Commission (formalisation of the application)
- 8/07/2019 : preliminary presentation to the Board of Directors (BD)
- 27/06/2019 : preliminary presentation to the Technical Committee (TC)
- 17/06/2019 : preliminary presentation to the Committee of Deans (CDC)
- 12/06/2019 : official meeting to launch the HRS4R project
- 22/05/2019 : preliminary presentation to the meeting of the Directors of Research Units (DU)
- 30/04/2019 : preliminary presentation to the Research Commission (RC)
- march 2019 : start of reflection on the "HR Excellence in Research" label